Activities @Home
Every two months the Scout Association release new activity ideas for Scouts to complete at home.
On this page we will collate the best ideas that the boys may want to try for themselves. If they complete the activities, they may even earn badges!
April '16 - Swedish Fire Torch
April '16 - Creating a Bow Drill
April '16 - Paper Plane Launcher
April '16 - Test Your Lung Power
November '15 - Pen Knife Safety 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 (competition)
Deadline Friday 16th October - CBBC - Be On A Show : Airmageddon
September '15 - GLSW: Design a 50 Year Anniversary Badge
June '15 - Carve Your Own Whistle
June '15 - Design A Racetrack
June '15 - Photography